Renowned for his innovative approach, Brian has a proven track record in delivering world-class engineering solutions and managing the full development lifecycle. With over 20 years of experience, he excels at integrating business objectives with product innovation, customer experience, and cutting-edge technology on a global scale. His technical foundation, including an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Northeastern University and a BS in Electronic Engineering Technology from Wentworth Institute of Technology, drives his commitment to engineering excellence.
Throughout his career, Brian has demonstrated skill in leading and scaling diverse engineering teams, aligning global resources, and strategically planning for long-term success. He emphasizes a forward-looking approach to talent management, matching skills with evolving roadmaps and ensuring optimal team alignment. His focus on test-and-learn strategies accelerates delivery, boosts productivity, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.
A leader known for building high-performing organizations, Brian combines strategic insight, analytical rigor, and innovative thinking to drive enterprise evolution. His adaptability and industry expertise have fueled sustainable growth and achieved operational excellence in complex, fast-paced environments.