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RAM® 3.5
3.5mm suture spacing
RAM® 5.0
5mm suture spacing

The RAM® Device is an automated dual curved needle annular suturing device which can place a horizontal mattress stitch in one squeeze. The device size options provide either a 3.5mm or 5mm spacing between the sutures.

Product Details

Clinical Applications

& Supportive Research

Clinical Applications
Automated ergonomic annular suture placement
Supportive Research
Surgeon Testimonial
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Farhad Bakhtiary
Director, Clinic and Polyclinic for Cardiac Surgery University of Bonn Heart Center
“In our clinic, using RAM® is routine since 2019 and it has advanced our approach very significantly. We have now used over 400 cases of RAM while using COR-KNOT®; I think for AVRs, both are mandatory.”

Device in Use

Supporting Products

Reliable, effective suture placement without exposed needles
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A uniquely customized suture management tool for use with SEW-EASY® cassettes
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